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Ms. Esthy Asante, CEO of Organic Trade & Investments, has been nominated as one of the awardees of the Global Leadership Awards 2021. She is to be given a certificate of achievement in recognition of her hard work and achievements, as well as, contributions to the Agribusiness industry. The global award is given to a select number women who lead exemplary lives and dignify themselves as role models for women’s progress and development, and demonstrate a track record of outstanding achievements in their respective professional industries. The awards event will come off on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2021.

“I am honoured to receive this award. It has always been my goal to support the advancement of women in the business world. I believe more women can emerge as leaders to transform businesses and economies. I am thankful that my contribution is making a significant difference; I am also extremely grateful for what Confederation of the Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CIMSME) does to inspire, cultivate and nurture women leadership,” Ms. Esthy Asante remarked.

The Global Leadership Awards 2021 Programme is a virtual event instituted by the Confederation of the Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CIMSME) to promote and support women entrepreneurship across the globe. It is part of the 3-day event, Global Women in Trade Summit 2021, which is scheduled to take place from March 5 to March 8, 2021.

Millions of women do not have adequate representation in the global economy, especially in the developing countries and this can be attributed to lack of the required education and training, as well as financial, regulatory, familial, logistical, legal or gender constraints. Consequently, when women are not full participants in the economy, they cannot fully benefit from international trade. In this regard, the Global Women in Trade Summit 2021 focuses on establishing a thriving space for a better future of trade for women entrepreneurs.

The summit will provide a significant platform for participants to connect, exchange information and initiate partnerships. Additionally, during the event, experts will compile and publish a series of articles on what has worked – and what has not – in the attempt to encourage women’s participation in the economy, in the March 2021 edition of SME Global Business.

Under the leadership of Ms. Asante, Organic Trade & Investments has grown to be an international brand. The company was established with the aim to promote organic products manufactured in African, transform lives and improve the livelihoods of the supply chain, especially women suppliers.

Ms. Ellen Wilson, Head of Sales at Organic Trade & Investments had this to say, “it’s truly amazing for Ms. Asante to be given such an honour. She has established herself as an innovative business woman. This award is a testament to her dedication and hard work; thus, I believe it will empower other women who are seeking to carve careers in the agribusiness industry to reach their goals, while creating change for future generations.”

Organic Trade and Investments encourages everyone to register for the event at to be able to tune in on Monday, March 8, 2021 from 17:45 to 18:45 IST for the award ceremony.


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