Mar 23, 20223 min


Updated: Mar 24, 2022

OTI Aloe Vera Gel

If you grow your hair out, I am pretty sure there is a phase you don’t like about it. For a lot of us, it’s the detangling process.

Detangling your hair after taking out protective styles or failing to comb through it for a while is a terribly arduous task, almost like a battle with your hair. However, it doesn’t have to be so painful and difficult.

We have a highly-praised remedy that you can adopt into your regimen to help you glide a comb through your hair easily – Aloe Vera Gel!

This is a safer and healthier option, especially in this modern world where there are thousands of hair products that end up giving more problems than solutions due to their chemical content.

Aloe Vera is a very succulent thick frond filled with cool a cool gelly substance. This plant is well-known for its miraculous benefits to the skin and the hair, so much that it is integrated into several products.

Aloe Vera can be eaten or used topically on the skin and hair to provide benefits like healing wounds, boosting the immune system, enhancing skin elasticity, hydrating and growing hair and a lot more.

It has high water content which is found in the gel and can help in retaining hair moisture, a feature you need to break through tangled hair.

To obtain the best results, you need to choose the right aloe vera plant. The Aloe Vera Gel available at Organic Trade and Investments (OTI) is clear in colour, slightly thick and 100% organic. This is a good replacement for fresh aloe vera leaves if you can’t easily access them.

With this said, let’s delve into how to use aloe vera for detangling hair.

Aloe Hair Spray

By now, you might be familiar with using the spray bottle to moisturize your hair. However, this remedy goes a step further by giving your hair a slippery coat to help your comb or finger glide through your hair easily. This makes brushing or combing less painful.

You’ll need; ½ cup of distilled water, ½ cup of OTI Aloe Vera Gel, hair oils of your choice (OTI Cold-pressed Virgin Coconut Oil, Argan Oil, etc…), essential oils.


Pour water and gel into a spray bottle

  1. Add drops of your desired hair oils to seal in the moisture for longer. (A lot of which are available in our e-store )

  2. Essential oils like Rosemary oil stimulates hair growth or mint for a nice fragrance.

  3. Shake the content of the bottle hard to ensure they are nicely mixed.

When your mixture is ready, simply spray enough to dampen your hair and moisten it. Proceed to gently work through your tangles from the tip to the root of your hair with a wide-tooth comb or your fingers.

It should be easier than doing so on dry hair.

Aloe Hair Mask

This is a much simpler way to use the aloe vera gel for your hair. Whether it is our organic gel or the gel extracted from the fresh leaves, apply it thoroughly to your hair.

This can be achieved by dividing your hair into sections and applying it in bits until your hair is saturated with the gel.

Wash it out after a while and notice how your curl pattern is restored.

NB: It is good to note that, aloe vera is not guaranteed 100% safe for everyone just like any other product or gift of nature. Some people might be more sensitive or allergic to its natural content than others.

You can test your tolerance to it by applying a small amount of the gel on a relatively insensitive part of your body, like a patch of your arm or the back of your hand. If you do not see any reaction after a while, you can proceed to enjoy the goodness of this magical plant.
